Child Protection ConnectionTM invests the equivalent of approximately $240 each year in agency resources for each attorney who benefits from its Texas Lawyers for Children Online Center. Through an annual or monthly donation to TLC 's "Change for a Child" program, your support will help cover the cost necessary to ensure that attorneys representing abused and neglected children will have access to resources and support to do the best job possible and reach the best outcomes for the child in each case.
You may choose to make an annual donation of $240, or a recurring monthly donation of $20. To pay by credit card, select the annual or monthly option below, click on the amount, and then click the 'Continue' button below.
CHECK PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE FOR THE $240 ANNUAL OPTION ONLY. If you wish to make your annual payment by check, please make it payable to Child Protection Connection, write "Change for a Child" in the memo, and mail to 3131 Turtle Creek Ste 1018, Dallas, TX 75219. PLEASE ALSO INCLUDE YOUR PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS WITH THE CHECK PAYMENT.