I would be interested in (please check all that apply):
Speaking Up on Behalf of Abused and Neglected Children. This will include opportunities that raise awareness of issues through social media, contact with local and state legislators, and other advocacy efforts aimed at protecting the rights of abused and neglected children.
Signing up to Volunteer as a Pro Bono Attorney or Education Advocate. Sign up to volunteer to provide legal expertise to court-appointed attorneys who represent abused and neglected children or their biological parents. To learn more, go to https://www.texaslawyersforchildren.org/bono/volunteer.jsp.
Using My Specialized Skills to Help TLC. TLC has ongoing needs for attorneys interested in conducting research related to TLC's legal training and advocacy efforts.
Growing TLC's Community Connections. Connect TLC to chambers of commerce, Rotary clubs, and other church and community organizations so we can tell others about the needs of abused and neglected children. TLC can also provide a presentation about the needs of abused and neglected children and available pro bono opportunities at your business or firm (approved for one hour of ethics CLE credit).
Join TLC's Fundraising Team. Whether you are interested in running a fundraiser through your firm, engaging in TLC fundraising activities, or sponsoring our next event, TLC can help connect you with opportunities to support abused and neglected children.
Change for a Child. TLC invests the equivalent of approximately $240 each year in agency resources for each attorney who benefits from its Online Center. Through an annual donation to TLC's "Change for a Child" program, your support will help cover the cost necessary to ensure that attorneys representing abused and neglected children will have access to resources and support to do the best job possible and reach the best outcomes for the child in each case. To donate, please click on the following link: http://childprotectionconnection.org/changeforachild
I would be interested in (please check all that apply):
Speaking Up on Behalf of Abused and Neglected Children. This will include opportunities that raise awareness of issues through social media, contact with local and state legislators, and other advocacy efforts aimed at protecting the rights of abused and neglected children.
Joining TLC's Pro Bono Network. Sign up to volunteer to provide paralegal services to court-appointed attorneys who represent abused and neglected children or their biological parents. This may include pre-trial preparation, procuring necessary documents for children aging out of care, or other services that benefit children and families.
Using My Specialized Skills to Help TLC. TLC needs help redacting sensitive information from legal forms that are provided to us. These forms will be made available on our Online Center and can be used by court-appointed attorneys who represent children and parents in child protection cases. TLC also has ongoing needs for paralegals interested in conducting research related to TLC's legal training and advocacy efforts.
Growing TLC's Community Connections. Connect TLC to chambers of commerce, Rotary clubs, and other church and community organizations so we can tell others about the needs of abused and neglected children. TLC can also provide a presentation about the needs of abused and neglected children and available pro bono opportunities at your business or firm (approved for one hour of ethics CLE credit).
Joining TLC's Fundraising Team. Whether you are interested in running a fundraiser through your firm, engaging in TLC fundraising activities, or sponsoring our next event, TLC can help connect you with opportunities to support abused and neglected children.
Change for a Child. TLC invests the equivalent of approximately $240 in agency resources for each attorney that benefits from its Online Center. Through an annual donation to TLC's "Change for a Child" program, your support will help cover the cost necessary to ensure that attorneys representing abused and neglected children will have access to resources and support to do the best job possible and reach the best outcomes for the child in each case. To donate, please click on the following link: http://childprotectionconnection.org/changeforachild